
Talatal Ghar

Biggest among all Ahom landmarks, the Talatal Ghar in Assam was at first worked as a military base. It is situated close to Rang Ghar (one more example of Ahom design) and was worked by Rajeswara Singha. Talatal Ghar has three stories that are underground (shut for vacationers) and four over the ground. The ground…

Kaziranga National Park

Kaziranga National Park is a national park situated in India’s Golaghat locale of Assam state and it is one of the most renowned National Parks of India. Kaziranga National Park is probably the biggest rhino in India. It was pronounced a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985. it is one of the most significant…

Rang Ghar

Rang Ghar is a twofold storeyed structure from the chronicled fortunes of Assam and was worked by Ahom King, Swargadeo Pramatta Singha in the eighteenth Century. This 10 meters high, imperial, sports structure was developed to watch social projects and customary games like wild ox and elephant battles, particularly sorted out during Bihu Festival. The…

Masor Tenga

Assam Anybody acquainted with Assamese food will vouch for the way that customary plans from the district are customized to support you through the blistering, hot summers, and they are scrumptious to such an extent that you’d generally need more. Among the numerous plans from that state is the mark dish, masor tenga. Masor tenga…


Aside from earning true to life premium, Nagaland’s most appreciated , akhuni has had the food circuit humming with fervor. Strikingly, the Sema tribe in the southern aspect of the state is credited for the causes of the dish. A basic piece of numerous ancestral networks, akhuni or matured soybean is known for its unmistakable…

Mui Borok and Pika Pila

Mui Borok The customary food of the province of Tripura is Mui Borok as it is lovingly called by its kin. You will consistently discover one fixing in the customary food plate of Tripurian individuals, Berma. Berma is dried and fermented fish which is definitely a Tripura’s top pick. The dish is cooked with no…

Morok Metpa

Dish of Manipur The food of Manipur is unique in relation to that of some other state. The dishes of the state are fundamentally subject to certain spices and roots. Non-veggie lover dishes are likewise a significant aspect of the cooking. One of the famous dishes from the state is Morok Metpa. It is a…

Ashokastami festival

Tripura Most celebrations in India have a legendary importance connected to it, yet normally have a genuine imagery behind them. Celebrations go about as passages for all portions of the majority to meet up and partake with full power. One such celebration is Ashokastami, which is one of the significant celebrations of East India Ashokastami…

Garia Puja

Tripura Garia Puja is a Puja in Tripura. This festival is recognized as a gather festivity by the ethnic families and merriments start from a day prior of March-April. A bamboo shaft that represents the Lord Garia, the god of domesticated animals and riches, is revered with blossoms and festoon. The fundamental fixings with which…

Majuli festival

Majuli festival is celebrated in the north east side of the nation, in the state of Assam. The spot to commend the celebration is the bank of River Luit, which happens to have the greatest stream island on the planet. This celebration begins the 21st of November every year and proceeds to the 24th of…


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